Data availability and collection:

What kind of data is available? How much data do you already have? Is it annotated and if so, how good is the annotation? How expensive is it to get the data annotated? How many annotators do you need for each sample? How to resolve annotators' disagreements? What's their data budget? Can you utilize any of the weakly supervised or unsupervised methods to automatically create new annotated data from a small amount of humanly annotated data?

User data

What data do you need from users? How do you collect it? How do you get users' feedback on the system, and if you want to use that feedback to improve the system online or periodically?

Data Sources

Where training data comes from?

What is unique about your data?

Start with:

Data Labeling

Data Storage

Where is the data currently stored: on the cloud, local, or on the users' devices? How big is each sample? Does a sample fit into memory? What data structures are you planning on using for the data and what are their tradeoffs? How often does the new data come in?